This place looks familiar

by admin
J Yacht returns to barn after day of practice

On the 8th we sailed from Barbuda to Falmouth Harbour, going around the east side of Antigua. The sail started off as forecast with a NE wind in the mid-teens. Halfway the wind dropped to 8 knots and clocked toward the south so we had to turn on the Yanmar. We sailed after making our turn at Green Island, but the wind dropped further so we motored in. Falmouth Harbour definitely has more yachts in it than when we were here before. The racing season is cranking up and new boats arrive every day. The J-Class Yachts and other 130+ feet sailing yachts have been going out daily to practice. These boats have at least 20 crew a piece and two chase boats so you can add up the operating costs for the practices. You can always spot the owner since he is usually the guy with white hair and not as physically fit. All the race boats fly the national flags of their crews under the port spreader at dock. Interestingly, none have any US crew members. We guess all our good sailors stay in one-design racing? We have had dry weather lately and our deck is pretty salty from all of the sailing so we hope we get some good rain soon!


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Big Jim March 10, 2020 - 3:42 pm

What is that 5 masted beast in the background? Looks kike a clipper ship with gun ports.
Must take a very big crew to sail her.

admin March 11, 2020 - 1:44 pm

That is the Royal Clipper cruise ship. It stops at smaller ports of call in the Caribbean. We had a close encounter with her at night off south Guadeloupe.

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