On Sept 6th we departed Bristol Harbor for Potter Cove on nearby Prudence Island. We had received word Buddy was there on Star Watch as well as our Caribbean 1500 Rally mates Willem & Anett on Celtic Spirit. We dropped anchor next to Celtic Spirit for a visit, swap sea stories from the last year, and discuss cruising plans in the age of closed borders. They run the marine e-commerce retailer Catamaran Supply so their experience as liveaboards gives them hands-on knowledge to guide customers on the product line. The anchorage was protected by the southerly breeze and very popular with the locals. A police boat ran up and down into the night making sure everyone stayed safe. After a chilly night we weighed anchor and motored into the wind down to Newport on Labor Day. We anchored to the north of Goat Island outside the mooring field. Newport has more boats sailing around (not racing) than any place we have ever seen. The harbor looks sort of like the Yacht Club scene in Caddyshack on overload. We will go shore side tomorrow after the Labor Day crowd simmers down.

Hey, there’s my buddy! Hey Smails!
I did not see the Flying Wasp
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