Yesterday we sailed from Exuma to Long Island (Bahamas, not Queens!) and anchored in Calabash Bay in the northern part of the island. The trip was a spectacular close reach with sunny skies and small waves. We saw at least a dozen boats going in both directions. The bay has three entrances through a reef with clear water and a mostly sand bottom. We have had opposite of the normal easterly winds , but light, so it has been rolly in the bay. The beach has a groundswell making dinghy landing difficult. We ventured ashore today and found a little tidal lagoon named Hoosie Harbour to anchor the dinghy out of the waves. We then took a short walk to the beautiful Cape Santa Maria Beach Resort. For those interested, it charges $429 a night with an assortment of planned outdoor activities. The few guests we saw looked like they were working remotely on their laptops and taking calls. That’s one way to take advantage of not going into the office. We went inside and were happy to hear they served cruisers. We had a very tasty lunch with no other guests in the restaurant except for a few pre-ordered take outs. It should be nice and comfortable in the bay tomorrow with the wind switching to the east.