When we first arrived in Elizabeth Harbor last month we were one of three boats. Since returning from Long Island there appears to be around 90 and next month that count will most likely triple. The majority of these cruisers have been coming here for years and form a floating community. Signs of this evolving mini-village include the 0800 VHF channel 72 structured cruisers net which is sort of like the morning news. The net covers emergencies, weather, local businesses, events, arrivals, departures, trade & giveaway (aka treasures of the bilge), taxi share, Q&A, and general announcements. There are COVID restrictions limiting gathering sizes but small groups meet up for kid activities, navigation to other islands, volleyball, etc. The wind has been up over 20 knots the last few days keeping folks close to their boats but the 0900 water aerobics class started this week and Amy is giving it a try. We are in the Sand Dollar anchorage so getting to/from the class at Monument Beach was a little rough in the blow. Amy says it is a challenge to see the proper underwater moves in the wind but likes exercising to the disco music. The big winds should end this weekend and we are looking forward to getting back to exploring other islands soon.

Merry Christmas !!
And Happy Festivus !
Party on!
Merry Christmas! Best wishes on the airing of grievances and feats of strength on Festivus.
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