Sitting in Limbo is an old song by reggae star Jimmy Cliff that sounds like a good blog title for the times. We are still in Jolly Harbor but we can get permission from the coast guard to sail a few miles offshore to dump tanks and make water (we also make water in the anchorage but silt clogs the prefilters and they need to be cleaned after every use). It looks like the 24 hour curfew will be in effect until we depart. Eventually the Antigua government will taper down the 23 cases on the island but will most likely stay shut to airplanes and boats to prevent the importation of new cases. This is the plan the other islands seem to be following with some already posting closures into the fall. So with boats not being able to go south for hurricane season, a great migration to the USA and Europe has begun. In listening to and reading local media the US is not in the best of regard here at the moment after stopping the export of an order of masks and test kits. Because of this most people have been wearing homemade masks. We even have a wonderful cruiser in the anchorage from Texas that has been sewing masks and leaving them on their stern for people to take. We continue working on chores and going ashore occasionally under the rules to provision. The highlight of our day is listening to a VHF cruisers happy hour at 5:30 each evening that includes trivia questions representing all the countries in the anchorage. We have signed up for the Salty Dawg Homeward Bound Flotilla and plan to depart in early May, now just a few weeks away. We watch updates every day on the status of marinas since the majority are still closed. Hopefully by May more will open. In the meantime we will continue our unscientific study on how many months a couple can stare at each other in the confines of an anchored boat 24/7! Stay safe.
Maybe you could find space in Beaufort, SC the third weekend in June. Low country regatta if they have it. I can get you on a Highlander for some one design racing. Praying for Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Thanks, We may take you up on it. We would love to get on those Thistle SE Zooms but do not have that type of data.
Hi Jim and Amy, hope all is as well as possible? Georgia is beginning to re-open this week for certain things. There is a lot of controversy about the re-openings but marina re-opening must be coming soon? It feels like a lot of us are staring at each other if not on a boat, certainly in our house. 😀. Stay safe
Thanks Jim. Hope all is well.
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