We are currently riding out a front packing 25 to 35 knot winds anchored off Treasure Cay. We came over here because it is one of the few spots around giving us protection from northerly winds and waves from the front. Over our travels I have refined an anchor chain snubber system that works great. It consists of two cleated lines that go down the bow stem spliced to a big shackle (picture below). I have found the boat surges less if the snubber follows the chain versus being led from the bow fairleads. The shackle is attached to a the anchor chain with a dyneema loop. The loop is just as strong as a fancy stainless chain hook and much easier to attach and remove. We had an easy upwind motor coming over here from Green Turtle Cay going into and out of the Atlantic via the Whale Cay Cut at slack tide because it is too shallow to cross over directly on the Sea of Abaco. We spent our last day in Green Turtle checking out the north side of the island. It has a nice resort called the Green Turtle Club with a marina that is still rebuilding after Dorian and looked to have a couple of guests. We also stopped in New Plymouth to see the island nurse because Amy had an swollen eyelid. The diagnoses was the eye was fine. It turns out the nurse was from Moultrie, GA (I spent a lot of time in that area for work) and there was no charge for services. We took the dinghy over to Treasure yesterday and it was sadly still mostly demolished. We sure hope that when the pandemic is over reconstruction will take off so these folks can get their lives back on track.

Cool idea with the soft shackle! I suppose it does not eat into the chain galvanizing like steel but is abrasion of the line an issue? Glad Amy’s eye is OK…can’t beat free healthcare!
I am sure at one point it will need to be replaced but no issues so far after a few years. We still have a big Mantus snubber hook as back up but it is hard to take on and off in front of the bow stem. We can attach/detach the dyneema loop up all the way to the windlass.
I enjoy reading your posts but not sure I’ll ever understand the technical jargon !! 😂
Thanks! I will try to post more links to sailing terms mentioned. Stay warm up there and keep away from the Reddit.
We are planning to upgrade from 36 to 40 feet when our GameStop shares go to the moon!
Have at it
I was very happy my Blackberry stock got caught up in Reddit !! Was holding for a year at a loss and then sold it for a profit 😜
I am sure there is a story on how you left that on the books. Maybe we should open a page on the blog for hot stock tips.
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