Today we motored over to Yacht Haven Grande in Charlotte Amalie to top off our diesel tanks for the big trip home. We are still getting familiar to seeing people walking around without masks. After fueling we motored over to Brewers Bay, a very protected anchorage just north of the STT airport runway. This bay seems to have several crewed yacht charter boats (without guests) hanging out. After anchoring we set about projects in preparation of our trip such as making water, meal prep, and weather routing analysis. We are taking the old Bahama Channel route and the weather looks great as of now. We expect the trip to take around nine days with no stops. Our target landfall is Brunswick, GA but we could stop at Inagua Island in the Bahamas or Ft. Pierce for an overnight rest stop. The Bahamas is allowing overnight rest stops now with permission as long as you do not go ashore. The sail is predicted to be a nice downwind passage with minimal waves. As we get closer to Florida we may loose our wind and motor down the Gulf Stream. See you on the other side!