Yesterday we sailed from York River Virginia to Annapolis Harbor. Our new windlass has been held captive in Auckland NZ for most of the year and with lockdowns eased over there, it has arrived stateside in Annapolis. Tomorrow we head over to the boat yard to get our final projects checked off for the new sailing season. The overnight trip yesterday had a little of everything to keep us busy: winds from 6 to 28 knots, calm, waves, current, 180 wind shifts, clear skies, and a little rain. We were hitting 10 knots occasionally with the big winds in the surf. We had a wonderful day in Annapolis today walking around ashore as well as boat watching on our primo mooring in front of the Annapolis YC and the Chart House restaurant. We just watched a big wedding ashore near us and are enjoying the DJs tunes. We should be heading down the bay in a few days to stage for our offshore sail to the Bahamas. More on that in the next post.

Some interesting info on the Guinea-men here: https://ruralicity.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/guineamen-survival-and-letting-your-freak-flag-fly/
And don’t miss the Guinea Jubilee !
Thank you for the local knowledge Dave!
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